Accepted Papers in
Logic-Programming Related Conference


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International Conference on Logic Programming

Udine, Italy, December 9-13, 2008

Accepted Techical Papers

  • Michael Fink. Equivalences in Answer-Set Programming by Countermodels in the Logic of Here-and-There
  • Angelika Kimmig, Luc De Raedt, Ricardo Rocha, Vitor Santos Costa and Bart Demoen. On the efficient execution of Problog programs
  • Radoslaw Szymanek and Christophe Lecoutre. Constraint-level Advice for Shaving
  • Yuanlin Zhang, Roland Yap, Chendong Li and Satyanarayana Marisetti. Efficient Algorithms for Functional Constraints
  • Pedro Cabalar. Partial Functions and Equality in Answer Set Programming
  • Francesco Calimeri, Susanna Cozza, Giovambattista Ianni and Nicola Leone. Computable Functions in ASP: Theory and Implementation
  • Mirek Truszczynski and Stefan Woltran. Relativized Hyperequivalence of Logic Programs for Modular Programming
  • Valerio Senni, Alberto Pettorossi and Maurizio Proietti. A Folding Algorithm for Eliminating Existential Variables from Constraint Logic Programs
  • Johannes Oetsch and Hans Tompits. Program Correspondence under the Answer-Set Semantics: The Non-Ground Case
  • Shay Cohen, Robert J. Simmons and Noah A. Smith. Dynamic Programming Algorithms as Products of Weighted Logic Programs
  • Christian Schulte and Peter Stuckey. Dynamic Analysis of Bounds versus Domain Propagation
  • Joerg Puehrer, Hans Tompits and Stefan Woltran. Elimination of Disjunction and Negation in Answer-Set Programs under Hyperequivalence
  • David Pearce and Agustin Valverde. Quantified Equilibrium Logic and a Class of General Logic Programs
  • Yuliya Lierler. Abstract Answer Set Solvers
  • Gregory Duck, Leslie De Koninck and Peter Stuckey. Cadmium: An Implementation of ACD Term Rewriting
  • Guohua Liu and Jia-Huai You. Lparse Programs Revisited: Semantics and Representation of Aggregates
  • María Alpuente, Santiago Escobar and José Iborra. Termination of Narrowing using Dependency Pairs
  • Amadeo Casas, Manuel Carro and Manuel Hermenegildo. A High-Level Implementation of Nondeterministic, Unrestricted, Independent And-parallelism
  • Alexis Saurin. Towards Ludics Programming: Interactive Proof Search
  • Luciano Caroprese and Mirek Truszczynski. Declarative Semantics for Active Integrity Constraints
  • Piero Bonatti and Sabrina Baselice. Composing normal programs with function symbols
  • Martin Gebser, Benjamin Kaufmann, Max Ostrowski, Torsten Schaub and Sven Thiele. Engineering an Incremental ASP Solver
  • Bart Demoen and Phuong-Lan Nguyen. Two WAM Implementations of Action Rules
  • Peter Van Weert. Optimized Compilation of CHR Propagation Rules
  • Eric Trias, Jorge Navas, Elena S. Ackley, Stephanie Forrest and Manuel Hermenegildo. Negative Ternary Set-Sharing
  • Jeroen Janssen, Stijn Heymans, Dirk Vermeir and Martine De Cock. Compiling fuzzy answer set programs to fuzzy propositional theories
  • Joseph Near, William Byrd and Daniel Friedman. alpha-TAP: A Declarative Theorem Prover for First-Order Classical Logic
  • Tom Schrijvers and Martin Sulzmann. Transactions in Constraint Handling Rules
  • Victor Marek and Jeffrey Remmel. On the continuity of Gelfond-Lifschitz operator and other applications of proof-theory in ASP proof-theory in ASP
  • Paolo Pilozzi and Daniel De Schreye. Termination Analysis of CHR revisited
  • Terrance Swift and Rui Marques. Concurrent and Local Evaluation of Normal Programs

Accepted Application Papers

  • Martin Gebser, Torsten Schaub, Sven Thiele, Bjoern Usadel and Philippe Veber. Detecting Inconsistencies in Large Influence Networks with Answer Set Programming
  • Georg Boenn, Martin Brain, Marina De Vos and John Fitch. Automatic Composition of Melodic and Harmonic Music by Answer Set Programming
  • Marco Montali, Marco Alberti, Federico Chesani, Marco Gavanelli, Evelina Lamma, Paola Mello and Paolo Torroni. Verification from declarative specifications
  • Alessandra Mileo, Davide Merico and Roberto Bisiani. A Logic Programming Approach to Home Monitoring for Risk Prevention in Assisted Living
  • Gergely Lukácsy, Peter Szeredi and Balázs Kádár. Prolog based Description Logic reasoning
  • Michela Milano, Luca Benini and Davide Bertozzi. Resource Management Policy Handling Multiple Use-Cases in MPSoC Platforms using Constraint Programming

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Practical Aspects of Declarative Languages

Savannah, USA, January 15-17, 2008

Accepted Papers

  • On Preferring and Inspecting Abductive Models. Luís Moniz Pereira (presenting) (Universidade Nova de Lisboa), Pierangelo Dell'Acqua (Linköping University) Gonçalo Lopes (Universidade Nova de Lisboa).
  • Declarative Programming of User Interfaces. Michael Hanus, Christof Kluß (Institut für Informatik, CAU Kiel).
  • Huge Data but Small Programs: Visualization Design via Multiple Embedded DSLs. D.J. Duke, R. Borgo (University of Leeds), M. Wallace, C. Runciman (University of York).
  • Toward a Practical Module System for ACL2. Carl Eastlund, Matthias Felleisen (Northeastern University).
  • Declarative Network Verification. Anduo Wang (University of Pennsylvania), Prithwish Basu (Network Research Group, BBN Technologies), Boon Thau Loo, Oleg Sokalsky (University of Pennsylvania).
  • Operational Semantics for Declarative Networking. Juan A. Navarro, Andrey Rybalchenko (Max Planck Institute for Software Systems).
  • Ad Hoc Data and the Token Ambiguity Problem. Qian Xi (Princeton University), Kathleen Fisher (AT&T Research), David Walker, Kenny Q. Zhu (Princeton University).
  • High Level Thread-Based Competitive Or-Parallelism in Logtalk. Paulo Moura (University of Beira Interior), Richard Rocha (University of Porto), Sara C. Madeira (University of Beira Interior).
  • Implementing Thread Cancellation in Multithreaded Prolog Systems. Atef Suleiman, John Miller (Washington State University).
  • Interoperating Logic Engines. Paul Tarau (University of North Texas) and Arun Majumdar (Vivamind Intelligence, Inc.).
  • Applying Declarative Languages to Commercial Hardware Design. Jeff Lewis, (Signali Inc.). 
  • High-level interaction with relational databases in logic programming. Antňnio Porto (University of Porto).
  • Typed Datalog. David Zook, Emir Pasalic, Beata Sarna-Starosta (LogicBlox, Inc.).
  • Using Bloom filters for large scale gene sequence analysis in Haskell. Ketil Malde (Institute of Marine Research) and Bryan O'Sullivan (Serpentine Green Design).
  • One Table Fits All. Jorge Costa, Ricardo Rocha (University of Porto).
  • Recycle Your Arrays! Roman Leshchinskiy (University of New South Wales).
  • Towards a Complete Scheme for Tabled Execution Based on Program Transformation. Pablo Chico de Guzman, Manuel Carro, Manuel V. Hermenegildo (Univ. Politčcnica de Madrid).
  • Improving Performance of Conformant Planners: Static Analysis of Declarative Planning Domain Specifications. Dang-Vien Tran, Hoang-Khoi Nguyen, Enrico Pontelli, Tran Cao Son (New Mexico State Univeristy).
  • Layered Models Top-Down Querying of Normal Logic Programs. Luís Moniz Pereira, Alexandre Miguel Pinto (Universidade Nova de Lisboa).
  • Secure Implementation of Meta-predicates. Paulo Moura (University of Beira Interior).

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Integration of AI and OR Techniques in Constraint Programming

Pittsburgh, USA, March 27-31, 2009

Accepted Papers

  • David C. Uthus, Patricia J. Riddle and Hans W. Guesgen - DFS* and the Traveling Tournament Problem
  • George Katrsirelos, Nina Narodytska and Toby Walsh - Transformations of Grammar Constraints
  • Bistra Dilkina, Carla Gomes, Yuri Malitsky, Ashish Sabharwal and Meinolf Sellmann - Capturing Structure in Optimization Problems: Feasibility vs. Optimality
  • Gilles Pesant, Claude-Guy Quimper, Louis-Martin Rousseau and Meinolf Sellmann - The Polytope of Context-Free Grammar Constraints
  • Philippe Laborie - IBM ILOG CP Optimizer for Detailed Scheduling Illustrated on Three Problems
  • Petr Vilím - Max Energy Filtering Algorithm for Discrete Cumulative Resources
  • Pierre Schaus, Pascal Van Hentenryck and Jean-Charles Régin - Solving a Nurses to Patients Assignment Problem with Constraint Programming
  • Hadrien Cambazard, Eoin O'Mahony and Barry O'Sullivan - A Shortest Path-based Approach to the Multi-leaf Collimator Sequencing Problem
  • Tyrel Russell and Peter van Beek - Determining the Number of Games Needed to Guarantee an NHL Playoff Spot
  • Magnus Ĺgren, Nicolas Beldiceanu, Mats Carlsson, Mohamed Sbihi, Charlotte Truchet and Stéphane Zampelli - Six Ways of Integrating Symmetries within Non-Overlapping Constraints
  • Martin Sachenbacher and Stefan Heinz - Using Model Counting to Find Optimal Distinguishing Tests
  • Martin Gebser, Benjamin Kaufmann and Torsten Schaub - Solution Enumeration for Projected Boolean Search Problems
  • Julien Menana and Sophie Demassey - Sequencing and counting with the multicost-regular constraint
  • Alessio Bonfietti, Michele Lombardi, Michela Milano and Luca Benini - A throughput constraint for Synchronous Data Flow Graph
  • Alexander Gutfraind, Aric Hagberg and Feng Pan - Optimal Interdiction of Unreactive Markovian Evaders
  • Efstathios Stamatatos and Kostas Stergiou - Learning how to propagate using random probing
  • Sylvain Mouret, Ignacio Grossmann and Pierre Pestiaux - Tightening the linear relaxation of a mixed integer nonlinear program using constraint programming
  • Stefano Gualandi - k-Clustering Minimum Biclique Completion via a hybrid CP and SDP approach
  • Laurent Michel, Pascal Van Hentenryck, Elaine Sonderegger, Alexander Shvartsman and Martijn Moraal - Bandwidth-limited Optimal Deployment of Eventually-Serializable Data Services
  • Michael Maher - Open Constraints in a Bounded World

Extended Abstracts

  • Abdullah Konak and Sadan Kulturel-Konak - An Integrated Genetic Algorithm and Integer Programming Approach to the Network Design Problem with Relays
  • Helmut Simonis - Progress on the Progressive Party Problem
  • Jacob Feldman, Eugene Freuder and James Little - CP-INSIDE: Embedding Constraint-based Decision Engines in Business Applications
  • Rodrigo Acuna-Agost, Philippe Michelon, Dominique Feillet and Serigne Gueye - Constraint Programming and Mixed Integer Linear Programming for Rescheduling Trains Under Disrupted Operations. A Comparative Analysis of Models, Solution Methods, and Their Integration
  • Tobias Achterberg and Timo Berthold - Hybrid Branching
  • Roman Barták and Daniel Toropila - Constraint Models for Sequential Planning
  • Nizar El hachemi, Michel Gendreau and Louis-Martin Rousseau - A Hybrid LS/CP Approach to Solve the Weekly Log-Truck Scheduling Problem
  • Mohammad DIB, Alexandre Caminada and Hakim Mabed - A fast Algorithm to solve frequency assignment problem
  • François Fages and Julien Martin - Modelling Search Strategies in Rules2CP
  • Benjamin Peterson and Michael Trick - A Benders Approach to a Transportation Network Design Problem

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Computability in Europe

Heidelberg, Germany, July 19-24, 2009

Accepted Papers

  • Kuanysh Abeshev and Serikzhan Badaev Note on universal numberings
  • Thomas Anberree First-order universality for real programs
  • Ulavappa B. Angadi and M. Venkatesulu Automatic classification of protein sequences into families using elongated K-mean spectral clustering
  • Pablo Arrighi and Gilles Dowek Intrinsic computability over algebraic structures
  • Sergey Babenyshev, Vladimir Rybakov and Renate Schmidt Temporal logic treating uncertainty and interacting agents with time indexes from Z
  • Bahareh Badban A Complete proof for ground term algebra with recognizers
  • János Balogh, József Békési, Gábor Galambos and Gerhard Reinelt On-line bin packing with restricted repacking
  • Mathias Barra Relativised detour degrees
  • Mathias Barra ans Philipp Gerhardy Skolem + Tetration is well-ordered
  • Hannah Bayer and Markus Nebel Evaluating algorithms according to their energy consumption
  • David Belanger Structures of some strong reducibilities
  • Josef Berger A characterisation of BD-N
  • Hendrik Blockeel and Robert Brijder Learning non-confluent NLC graph grammar rules
  • Manuel Bodirsky, Miki Hermann and Florian Richoux Complexity of existential positive first-order logic
  • Paul Brodhead and Douglas Cenzer Effective capacity and randomness of closed sets
  • Paul Brodhead and Bjřrn Kjos-Hanssen The strength of the Grätzer-Schmidt theorem
  • Paul Brodhead and Bjřrn Kjos-Hanssen Numberings and randomness
  • John Case and Samuel Moelius Program self-reference in constructive Scott subdomains
  • Douglas Cenzer, Valentina Harizanov and Jeffrey Remmel Sigma-0-1 and Pi-0-1 equivalence structures
  • Douglas Cenzer, Rebecca Weber and Guohua Wu Immunity for closed sets
  • Yijia Chen, Jörg Flum and Moritz Müller Lower bounds for kernelizations and other preprocessing procedures
  • Jingchao Chen Iterative rounding for the closest string problem
  • Pieter Collins Computable types for dynamic systems
  • Pieter Collins and Ivan Zapreev Computable CTL for discrete-time and continuous-space dynamic systems
  • Chris Conidis The reverse mathematics of Artinian rings
  • Stefan Dantchev and Barnaby Martin Cutting planes and the parameter cutwidth
  • Graçaliz Dimuro and Antonio Carlos Costa Toward a semantical model of organization growth for multiagent systems
  • Ross Duncan and Simon Perdrix Graphs states and the necessity of Euler decomposition
  • Omer Egecioglu and Oscar Ibarra On stateless multicounter machines
  • Martin Escardo Computability of continuous solutions of higher-type equations
  • Guido Fiorino Taming implications in Dummett logic
  • Willem Fouché Fractals generated by algorithmically random Brownian motion
  • Cameron Freer and Daniel Roy Computable exchangeable sequences have computable de Finetti measures
  • Tobias Gärtner and Günter Hotz Computability of analytic functions with analytic machines
  • Matthew Giorgi, Thomas Kent, Andrew Lewis and Andrea Sorbi Empty intervals of enumeration degrees and strong minimal covers
  • Nicolas Glade and Olivier Bastien Robustness of single trail system-based wires for bio-processing architectures
  • Binghui Guo, Wei Wei and Zhiming Zheng Constraint message propagation dynamics of nonlinear Boolean equations
  • Armin Hemmerling Function operators spanning the arithmetical and the polynomial hierarchy - extended abstract
  • Grzegorz Herman and Michael Soltys Unambiguous functions in logarithmic space
  • Thomas Hinze, Raffael Fassler, Gabi Escuela, Bashar Ibrahim and Stefan Schuster Computation by synthetic cell signaling and oscillating processes modelled using mass-action kinetics
  •  Mathieu Hoyrup and Cristobal Rojas An application of Martin-Loef randomness to effective probability theory
  •  Sanjay Jain, Frank Stephan and Jason Teutsch Index sets and universal numberings
  •  Xin Jiang, Shaoting Tang, Lili Ma, Zhanli Zhang and Zhiming Zheng Random diffusion and congestion on weighted complex networks
  •  Norihiro Kamide Strong normalization of program-indexed lambda calculus
  •  Takayuki Kihara and Kojiro Higuchi Notions of reducibility for mass problems
  •  Jan Kluka and Paul J Voda A simple and practical valuation tree calculus for first-order logic
  •  Nikolai Kosmatov On computability and complexity of all-paths test generation: a practitioner’s point of view
  •  S. Krishna and Lakshmi Manasa Determinization of a subclass of timed automata
  •  Oleg Kudinov and Victor Selivanov A Gandy theorem for abstract structures and applications to first-order definability
  •  Oleg Kudinov, Victor Selivanov and Anton Zhukov Definability of closure operations in the $h$-Quasiorder of labeled forests
  •  James Lambert The relationship between measurability and computability
  •  Gyesik Lee Relationship between Kanamori-McAloon principle and Paris-Harrington theorem
  •  Andrew Lewis, Andre Nies and Andrea Sorbi The first order theories of the Medvedev and the Muchnik lattice
  •  Chung-Chih Li Union theorems in type-2 computation
  •  Remco Loos, Florin Manea and Victor Mitrana Small universal accepting networks of evolutionary processors
  •  Yanfang Ma and Yixiang Chen Two-thirds bisimulation indexes
  •  J. Raymundo Marcial-Romero, Claudia Zepeda, J. A.  Hernández, Héctor A.  Montes and David Linares An implementation of exact real number computation based on LRT
  • Klaus Meer On Ladner's result for a class of real machines with restricted use of constants
  • Alexander Melnikov Relatively categorical completely decomposable torsion-free Abelian groups
  • Vincent C. Müller Mechanical computation vs computation
  • Benedek Nagy On a hierarchy of $5' \to 3'$ sensing WK finite automata languages
  • Juan Ospina Generalized Temperley-Lieb algebras and quantum computation
  • Jeff Paris and Alena Vencovska A general representation theorem for probability functions satisfying spectrum exchangeability
  • Soumya Paul, R. Ramanujam and Sunil Easaw Simon Stability under strategy switching
  • Florian Pelupessy and Andreas Weiermann Ackermannian lower bounds for lengths of bad sequences of monomial ideals over polynomial rings in two variables
  • Mikhail Peretyatkin Effective pseudo-indecomposability of Tarski-Lindenbaum algebras of predicate calculi over finitary similarity relation of theories
  • G. Michele Pinna Petri nets unfoldings and the individual/collective token philosophy
  • Ian Pratt-Hartmann and Ivo Duentsch Functions definable by arithmetic circuits
  • Vadim Puzarenko One classical semilattice in admissible sets
  • Eleonora Riva Sanseverino, Roberto Candela, Giuseppe Fileccia Scimemi and Giulio Cottone Lévy flights for ant colony optimization in continuous domains
  •  Pavel Semukhin Prime Models of finite computable dimension
  •  Alla Sirokofskich Decidability of sub-theories of polynomials over a finite field
  •  Kohtaro Tadaki Chaitin \Omega numbers and halting problems
  •  Mohammad Torabi Dashti and Bahareh Badban Robust linear realizations of finite automata
  •  Trifon Trifonov Dialectica interpretation with fine computational control
  •  Andreas Weiermann A computation of the maximal order type of the term ordering on finite multisets
  •  Michael Weiss and Gregory Lafitte Constructing new aperiodic self-simulating tile sets
  •  Guohua Wu, Jiang Liu and Shengling Wang Infima of the d-r-e degrees
  •  Marius Zimand On generating independent random strings

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Declarative Agent Languages and Technologies

Budapest, Hungary, May 11, 2009

Accepted Papers

  • Unifying the Intentional and Institutional Semantics of Speech Acts. Carole Adam, Andreas Herzig, Dominique Longin, and Vincent Louis
  • Tableaux for Acceptance Logic. Mathijs de Boer, Andreas Herzig, Tiago de Lima, and Emiliano Lorini
  • Ontology and Time Evolution of Obligations and Prohibitions using Semantic Web Technology. Nicoletta Fornara and Marco Colombetti
  • Prioritized Goals and Subgoals in a Logical Account of Goal Change – A Preliminary Report. Shakil M. Khan and Yves Lespérance
  • Microscopic Analysis of Edge Creation Process in Trust-based Social Networks. Babak Khosravifar, Maziar Gomrokchi, and Jamal Bentahar
  • Computing Utility from Weighted Description Logic Preference Formulas. Azzurra Ragone, Tommaso Di Noia, Francesco M. Donini, Eugenio Di Sciascio, and Michael P. Wellman
  • Explaining and Predicting the Behavior of BDI-Based Agents in Games. Michal P. Sindlar, Medhi M. Dastani, Frank Dignum, and John-Jules Ch. Meyer
  • Correctness Properties for Multiagent Systems. Munindar P. Singh and Amit K. Chopra
  • Reasoning and Planning with Cooperative Actions for Multiagents Using Answer Set Programming. Tran Cao Son and Chiaki Sakama
  • Social Commitments in Time: Satisfied or Compensated (preliminary report). Paolo Torroni, Federico Chesani, Paola Mello, and Marco Montali
  • Verifying Dribble Agents. Doan Thu Trang, Brian Logan, and Natasha Alechina

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Agent and Multi-Agent Systems - Technologies and Applications

Uppsala, Sweden, June 3-5, 2009

Accepted Papers

  • Dependency in Cooperative Boolean Games Luigi Sauro, Leendert van der Torre, Serena Villata
  • Multi-agent Artificial Immune Systems (MAAIS) for Intrusion Detection: Abstraction from Danger Theory Chung-Ming Ou, C.R. Ou
  • Ants-like Agents: a Model and Analysis Based on Natural Ants Behavior Mohamed Hamada
  • Simulated Annealing for Multi-Agent Coalition Formation Helena Keinänen
  • Structural Changes in an Email-based Social Network Krzysztof Juszczyszyn, Katarzyna Musiał
  • Concept of a Multi-Agent System for Assisting in Real Estate Appraisals Tadeusz Lasota, Zbigniew Telec, Bogdan Trawiński, Krzysztof Trawiński
  • Learning as Meaning Negotiation: a model based on English Auction Elisa Burato, Matteo Cristani
  • An Approximate Model for Bidders in Sequential Automated Auctions Erol Gelenbe, Kumaara Velan
  • Agent-Based Modeling of a Mobile Robot to Detect and Follow Humans José M. Gascueńa, Antonio Fernández-Caballero
  • Component Based Approach for Composing Adaptive Mobile Agents Kutila Gunasekera, Arkady Zaslavsky, Shonali Krishnaswamy, Seng Wai Loke
  • A Ratio-based Update Scheme for Mobile Agent Location Management Ting Yuan Yeh, Tzong I Wang
  • jDALMAS: A Java/Prolog Framework for Deontic Action-Logic Multi-Agent Systems Magnus Hjelmblom, Jan Odelstad
  • Belief Revision in a Fact-Rule Agent’s Belief Base Hai H. Nguyen
  • Modeling Multi-Agent Systems as Labeled Transitions Systems: A Unifying Approach Walid Chainbi
  • A Multi-Agent Framework for Storage and Retrieval of Documents from Distributed XML Collections Jakub Gieryluk, Radosław Katarzyniak, Przemysław Maciejczyk, Magdalena Sendal, Grzegorz Skorupa
  • Agent Technology for Information Retrieval in Internet Marcin Maleszka, Bernadetta Mianowska, Ngoc Thanh Nguyen
  • Intelligent Agent Based Workforce Empowerment Nazaraf Shah, Edward Tsang, Yossi Borenstein, Raphael Dorne, Anne Liret, Chris Voudouris
  • Customer Assistance Services for Simulated Shopping Scenarios
  • Florian Messerschmidt, Andreas D. Lattner, Ingo J. Timm
  • TRES: A Decentralized Agent-based Recommender System to Support B2C Activities Domenico Rosaci, Giuseppe M.L. Sarné
  • Applying multi-agent system technique to production planning in order to automate decisions Mats Apelkrans, Anne Hĺkansson
  • Applying Constructionist Design Methodology to Agent-Based Simulation Systems Kristinn R. Thórisson, Rögnvaldur J. Saemundsson, Gudny R. Jonsdottir, Brynjar Reynisson, Claudio Pedica, Pall Runar Thrainsson, Palmi Skowronski
  • Agent-based Framework for Distributed Real-Time Simulation of Dynamical Systems Grzegorz Polaków, Mieczyslaw Metzger
  • Learning-Rate Adjusting Q-learning for Two-Person Two-Action Symmetric Games Koichi Moriyama
  • Indirect Alignment between Multilingual Ontologies: a Case Study of Korean and Swedish Ontologies Jason J. Jung, Anne Hĺkansson, Ronald Hartung
  • Extracting Relations towards Ontology Extension Jin-Guk Jung, Kyeong-Jin Oh, Geun-Sik Jo
  • Deontic Logic Reasoning for Maintaining Ontology Consistency in Agent Networks Krzysztof Juszczyszyn, Grzegorz Kołaczek
  • Multi-agent system process control ontology Wim Zeiler, Gert Boxem, Rinus van Houten, Perica Savanovic, Joep van der Velden, JanFokko Haan, Willem Wortel, Paul Noom, Rene Kamphuis
  • Relational Learning by Imitation Grazia Bombini, Nicola Di Mauro, Teresa M.A. Basile, Stefano Ferilli, Floriana Esposito
  • A Data-Oriented Coordination Language for Distributed Transportation Applications Mahdi Zargayouna, Flavien Balbo, Gérard Scémama
  • Multi-Agent Based Approach for Quantum Key Distribution in WiFi Networks Shirantha Wijesekera, Xu Huang, Dharmendra Sharma
  • A Secure Delegation Model Based on Multi-Agent in Pervasive Environments Kyu Il Kim, Won Gil Choi, Eun Ju Lee, Ung Mo Kim
  • 3DE_var: Energy-Efficient Cluster-based Routing Scheme in Wireless Sensor Networks Jinsu Kim, Junghyun Lee, Keewook Rim
  • A Routing Agent using Cross-layer Method for Collision Avoidance in Ad hoc Networks Zhipeng Liu, Chan-Heum Park, Bokman Lee, Chonggun Kim
  • Towards Power Efficient MAC Protocol for In-body and On-body Sensor Networks Sana Ullah, Xizhi An, Kyung Sup Kwak
  • Efficiency of metaheuristics in PMJS E/T scheduling problem Marcin Bazylik, Leszek Koszalka
  • An Algorithm for Inconsistency Resolution in Recommendation Systems and its Application in ulti-agent Systems Michal Malski
  • Statistical Strength of a Hybrid Cryptosystem on 2-D Cellular Automata with Nonaffine Rotations Marian Srebrny , Piotr Such
  • Health Monitor Agent based on Neural Networks for Ubiquitous Healthcare Environment
  • Michael Angelo G. Salvo, Romeo Mark A. Mateo, Jaewan Lee, Malrey Lee
  • Understanding Users’ Subject Interests in the Web Site Based on Their Usage of its Content: A Novel Two-Phase Clustering Framework Ahmad Ammari, Valentina Zharkova
  • Toward Semantic Mobile Web 2.0 through multiagent systems Gonzalo A. Aranda-Corral, Joaquín Borrego-Díaz, and Fernando Gómez-Marín
  • Architecture of Multiagent Internet Measurement System MWING Release Leszek Borzemski, Łukasz Cichocki, Marta Kliber
  • Information flow in a peer-to-peer data integration system Grażyna Brzykcy
  • Adaptive Community Identification on Semantic Social Networks with Contextual Synchronization: An Empirical Study Jason J. Jung
  • Self-Organizing Fuzzy Logic Steering Algorithm in Complex Air Condition System Michal Lower
  • Errors in Structure Self-Organization: Statistical Analysis Grzegorz Kukla, Dariusz Król
  • Hierarchical organization of agents based on Galois sub-hierarchy for complex tasks allocation in Massive MAS Zaki Brahmi, Mohamed Mohsen Gammoudi
  • Communities of practice and its effects on firm performance: a process-oriented study Chuldo Koo, Sungyul Ryoo, Yulia Wati, Woojong Suh
  • Conceptual Modeling of Semantic Service Chain Management for Building Service Networks: a Preliminary Result Jason J. Jung, Young-Shin Han
  • Analysis of the Broadband Internet Penetration in South Korea: Drivers and Challenges Joon Koh, Seonjin Shin, Kiyong Om, Inhak Kim
  • Construction of optimized knowledge and new knowledge creation support tool Akira Otsuki, Kenichi Okada
  • Agent Verification Design of Short Text Messaging System using Formal Method Ali Selamat, Siti Dianah Abdul Bujang, Md Hafiz Selamat
  • A Study on the Effects of Online Brand Community Identity on the Characteristics of Community Activity and Behavioral Responses Hyung-Shik Jung, Youngshim Kim, Yu-Rim Kook
  • Key Factors Affecting Continuous Usage Intention in Web Analytics Service JaeSung Park, JaeJon Kim, Joon Koh
  • Enterprise financial status synthetic evaluation based on fuzzy rough set theory Ming-Chang Lee, Jui-Fang Chang
  • An agent-based model for the adaptation of processing efficiency for prioritized traffic Sanja Illes, Dragan Jevtic, Marijan Kunstic
  • Multi-Agent Service Deployment in Telecommunication Networks Kresimir Jurasovic, Mario Kusek, Gordan Jezic
  • Collision Detection for Ubiquitous Parking Management based on Multi-Agent System Romeo Mark A. Mateo, Young-seok Lee, Jaewan Lee
  • Compatibility and Conformance of Role-based Interaction Components in MAS Nabil Hameurlain
  • Towards a methodology for modeling deontic protocols using the Organizational Petri Nets formalism Stéphanie Combettes
  • Towards an Adaptive Grid Scheduling: Architecture and Protocols specification Inčs Thabet, Chihab Hanachi, Khaled Ghédira
  • Dynamic Execution of Coordination Protocols in Open and Distributed Multi-Agent Systems
  • Wassim Bouaziz, Eric Andonoff
  • An Agent-Based Simulation Model for Analysis on Marketing Strategy Considering Promotion Activities Hideki Katagiri, Ichiro Nishizaki, Tomohiro Hayashida, Takahiro Daimaru
  • Agent-based simulation analysis for equilibrium selection and coordination failure in coordination games characterized by the minimum strategy Ichiro Nishizaki,Tomohiro Hayashida, Hideki Katagiri, Noriyuki Hara
  • A computational method for obtaining Stackelberg solutions to noncooperative two-level programming problems through evolutionary multi-agent systems Kosuke Kato, Masatoshi Sakawa, Takeshi Matsui, Hidenori Ohtsuka
  • Multi-Agent-System for General Strategic Interaction Rustam Tagiew
  • Simulation Study of Public Goods Experiment Zhi Tang, Jian Wu, Wei Shi, Jing Wang, Hanyi Xu
  • Particle Swarm Optimization using the Decoding Algorithm for Nonlinear 0-1 Programming Problems Takeshi Matsui, Masatoshi Sakawa, Kosuke Kato
  • Agent Based Decision Support in Manufacturing Supply Chain Per Hilletofth, Lauri Lättilä, and Olli-Pekka Hilmola
  • Simulation of Resource Acquisition by e-Sourcing Clusters Using NetLogo Environment Konrad Fuks, Arkadiusz Kawa
  • Analysing Supply Chain Strategies using Knowledge-Based Techniques Areti Manataki, Yun-Heh Chen-Burger
  • Knowledge management in digital economy Lilia Georgieva, Imran Zia
  • Forming Buyer Coalitions with Bundles of Items Laor Boongasame, Ho-fung Leung, Veera Boonjing, Dickson K. W. Chiu
  • Distributed Data Reduction Through Agent Collaboration Ireneusz Czarnowski
  • Solving the RCPSP/max Problem by the Team of Agents Piotr Jędrzejowicz, Ewa Ratajczak-Ropel
  • AGV Mind Model and its Usage for Autonomous Decentralized FMS by Change of Mind Hidehiko Yamamoto, Takayoshi Yamada, Shinsuke Kato
  • Agent-Based Dantzig-Wolfe Decomposition Johan Holmgren, Jan A. Persson, Paul Davidsson
  • A-Team Middleware on a Cluster
  • Ireneusz Czarnowski, Piotr Jędrzejowicz, Izabela Wierzbowska
  • Simulating Activities of the Transportation Company through Multi-Agent System Solving the Dynamic Vehicle Routing Problem Dariusz Barbucha
  • Solving Global Optimization Problems using MANGO Akın Günay, Figen Öztoprak, S. Ilker Birbil, Pınar Yolum
  • Awareness-based Learning Model to Improve Cooperation in Collaborative Distributed Environments Mauricio Paletta, Pilar Herrero
  • Game Theory and Cognitive Radio Based Wireless Networks Saurabh Mehta, K.S. Kwak
  • Scalable Grouping based on Neuro-Fuzzy Clustering for P2P Networks Romeo Mark A. Mateo, Hyunho Yang, Jaewan Lee
  • Supporting Medical Emergencies by MAS Roberto Centeno, Moser Fagundes, Holger Billhardt, Sascha Ossowski
  • Ontology-Based Query Interface in a System for Semantic Integration of XML Data Tadeusz Pankowski
  • Action Generator based on Primitive Actions and Individual Properties Jun-Hyuk Lee, Geun-Jae Jung, Jong-Hee Park
  • Control of a Bipedal Walking Robot Using a Fuzzy Precompensator Soraya Bououden, Foudil Abdessemed

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Rewriting Techniques and Applications

Brasilia, Brazil, June 29-July 1, 2009

Accepted Papers

  • Alwen Tiu and Rajeev Gore. A Proof Theoretic Analysis of Intruder Theories
  • Franz Baader and Barbara Morawska. Unification in the Description Logic EL
  • Stefan Kahrs. Modularity of Convergence in Infinitary Rewriting
  • René Thiemann and Christian Sternagel. Loops under Strategies
  • Adriŕ Gascón, Guillem Godoy and Manfred Schmidt-Schauss. Unification with Singleton Tree Grammars
  • Francisco Javier Lopez-Fraguas, Juan Rodriguez-Hortala and Jaime Sanchez-Hernandez. A Fully Abstract Semantics for Constructor Based Term Rewriting Systems
  • Georg Moser and Andreas Schnabl. The Derivational Complexity Induced by the Dependency Pair Method
  • Martin Avanzini and Georg Moser. Dependency Pairs and Polynomial Path Orders
  • Manuel Clavel, Francisco Duran, Steven Eker, Santiago Escobar, Pat Lincoln, Narciso Marti-Oliet, Jose Meseguer and Carolyn Talcott. Unification and Narrowing in Maude 2.4
  • Jeroen Ketema. Comparing Boehm-Like Trees
  • Daisuke Kimura and Makoto Tatsuta. Dual Calculus with inductive and coinductive types
  • Martin Korp, Christian Sternagel, Harald Zankl and Aart Middeldorp. Tyrolean Termination Tool 2
  • Marc de Falco. An Explicit Framework for Interaction Nets
  • Takahito Aoto, Junichi Yoshida and Yoshihito Toyama. Proving Confluence of Term Rewriting Systems Automatically
  • Helmut Seidl and Kumar Neeraj Verma. Flat and One-Variable Clauses for Single Blind Copying Protocols: the XOR Case
  • Carsten Fuhs, Jürgen Giesl, Martin Plücker, Peter Schneider-Kamp and Stephan Falke. Proving Termination of Integer Term Rewriting
  • Mathieu Baudet, Veronique Cortier and Stéphanie Delaune. YAPA: A generic tool for computing intruder knowledge
  • Joerg Endrullis and Dimitri Hendriks. From Outermost to Context-Sensitive Rewriting
  • Felix Schernhammer and Bernhard Gramlich. VMTL - A Modular Termination Laboratory
  • Guillem Godoy and Florent Jacquemard. Unique Normalization for Shallow TRS
  • Dominique Duval, Rachid Echahed and Frédéric Prost. A Cloning Pushout Approach to Term-Graph Transformation
  • Hans Zantema. Well-definedness of Streams by Termination
  • Aleksy Schubert. The existential fragment of the one-step parallel rewriting theory
  • Sergiu Bursuc and Hubert Comon-Lundh. Protocol security and algebraic properties: decision results for a bounded number of sessions
  • Joerg Endrullis, Roel de Vrijer and Johannes Waldmann. Local Termination
  • Jakob Grue Simonsen. The $\Pi^0_2$-Completeness of Most of the Properties of Rewriting Systems You Care About (and Productivity)

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